Why I Get Balck Screen While I Was Download Game On Steam

Why I Get Balck Screen While I Was Download Game On Steam

Windows 10 – Black screen when games are started (World of Tanks, War Thunder, World of Ships, Steam Games)
(Info: my sons Computer – only have internet/Skype Contact with him – don’t know Computer details)
Up until two days ago my son played all the above games on his computer without any problem.
But one day ago he started to get black screen - and probably freezing – when trying to start a game. Can only get out of this by using Power button and shutting down.
Firefox/Word.doc/Skype/and such like, work fine (that is - until a game is started)
Got him to check for virus, cleaned up computer, updated Graphic Card driver, did Windows 10 updates!
Despite doing all this, the screen still goes black and freezes when he tries to start a game (never gets game started before this happens, so unable to change any game settings)
As I said all these games worked until two days ago!
As far as I am able to tell – nothing has been changed since last successfully playing. Just shutting computer down and then starting it again next day (and when the problem started).
So I am at a loss
Does anybody know what the problem is?
PS I know there is an old thread on this subject but it does not help me at all
  • If your game is crashing on startup. ShiningRockSoftware February 2014. Couldn't wait ant longer and brought the game on Steam, installed it, double clicked the desktop icon, waited for the game to load, got to black screen with shining rock software and icon, was like this for about 2 mins so I pressed the space bar then ESC keys (as.
  • Black screen while game runs with sound! If the games are on Steam, I can take a screenshot by pressing F12, and once the screenshot is taken the. The NVIDIA version listed in not a Generic Download for NVIDIA.

Why I Get Balck Screen While I Was Download Game On Steam On Mac

So I open steam and try to play some Garry's Mod but what happens is i get a black screen and that's it. I can hear the noise that comes up when u try to click or hover the mouse over the Options and everything. Since this wasn't working i thought it was a problem with the game files from the windows 10 transfer. I verified the game cache.