Perfect Puppy In 7 Days Free Download

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  4. Perfect Puppy In Seven Days

Raising a puppy successfully takes patience and dedication but the process can be made a whole lot easier by reading Sophia Yin's excellent book, Perfect Puppy in 7 Days. Packed with the latest information, Dr. Yin takes the reader into the puppy's world, helping them to not only understand a puppy's developmental process, but giving useful.


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Perfect A Puppy In 7 Days Indigo

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Perfect Puppy In 7 Days Pdf

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Book Description

When you bring your new puppy home, neither of you may know what to expect. The 14 Days Step by Step Puppy Training guide is ready to help you. It will provide you with all of the information that you will need to care for your new puppy. There are many things that you need to think about when you bring the puppy into your home. How are you going to train your puppy, what types of behaviors do you need to teach them, and how do you teach them. What happens when you take your puppy to the vet, and what dangers does the puppy face. This guide covers all of the information that you will need to know for both you and your puppy. The guide is broken down into easy to read chapters that you will be able to reference whenever you need. As you go through the guide you will gain insight into

Posted by1 year ago

“Perfect Puppy in 7 Days” Sophia Yin: Has anyone followed this program? I am having trouble using the puppy’s food for training

Perfect Puppy In Seven Days

I brought home my 8 week old golden 2 days ago and tried starting this program yesterday. For those that aren’t familiar with the program it has you use all of your dog’s food for training instead of just giving it to them in a bowl. It is called learn-to-earn.

The problem: When he is tethered to me for the training I try to lure him with his food so that I can wait for him to sit and then reward him but he always wonders off uninterested. So he ended up not eating all he was supposed to yesterday. I figured ok this morning he will be very hungry and food motivated, but no, he is still not interested in his kibble. (Ps this is the same food the breeder was feeding him)

So I tried to see if something else would peak his interest or if he didn’t want to eat anything at all. I cut up part of an all beef hot dog and he loved it! The training session went great! By the end he was sitting patiently and looking to me each time. I was glad to see him eat but I know he needs the nutrition of his food, so next session I tried kibble again and he would not eat it.

Now I am worried about his health and not eating enough, so I try to feed his kibble in a bowl and he hardly eats any.

Should I abandon this training program and find another that feeds him in a more traditional manner or should I push through and he will eventually eat the kibble. Anyone that has been through this program I would greatly appreciate your advice.

I just want to do what’s best for my little guy and get started on the right foot with training.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts

Edit: This is why I love reddit! Thank you everyone for all of your advice. I added some water to his food tonight and he ate the entire thing!! Woohoo!! This solves my eating problem for now but I am still in search of a good training program I can follow. Any more advice on training from people who have followed this program or others would be greatly appreciated.

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