Make Ps4 Download Game Different Region

Call it installation or call it caching, but the bottom line is that you will have to save large chunks of PlayStation 4 games to the system's hard drive. It's not an option. It's mandatory on Sony's next-gen system. Today, at a stylish waterfront hotel in New York City that's been taken over by Sony for all things PS4, the system's lead architect, Mark Cerny, explained just how these requirements work.

How Mandatory Game Installations Will Work On PS4. And only runs games off the hard drive. If a PS4 user decides to download a game, they will have to wait longer to play. Players may want.

Next-Gen Games Will Fill Our New Consoles' Hard Drives In No Time

Make Ps4 Download Game Different Region 1

The PlayStation 4's internal hard drive is 500GB, and if you buy and start playing just two of …

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If you are playing a disc-based game, the system will begin caching the disc when you put it in the console and get ready to play. The game is saving part of itself to the system's hard drive. The amount of data that has to be saved before you can start will vary per title.

Cerny said that for the launch game he directed, Knack, users should only have to wait 10s of seconds to play the game. After that, as you play, the game will stream more content to the console's 500GB hard drive. Knack will use 37GB of space overall, as noted on the game's box. Obviously, it won't take many games to fill the console's hard drive.

Cached/installed game data will stay on the hard drive until the user deletes it. Cerny said that there had been some internal discussions at Sony about having the PS4 auto-delete installed data from games that players hadn't used in a while. They decided against it, figuring that gamers would never want to feel 'blindsided' and would prefer to make their data management decisions manually. Probably a good choice!


The disc installation is required on PS4 because the console is not designed to read games off of discs. It's not a PlayStation issue. It's a physics issue. The machine may have a Blu-Ray drive that's about three times faster than the PS3 and sixteen times as much memory, but it's still more expedient for the PS4 to read data from its own hard drive. Cerny said his team had heard too many complaints from current-gen developers about having to wait to load in new levels of games. Putting the data on the readily-accessible hard drive alleviates that.

Not surprisingly, Microsoft's Xbox One requires installation from Blu-Ray, too, and only runs games off the hard drive.

Make Ps4 Download Game Different Region

If a PS4 user decides to download a game, they will have to wait longer to play. Cerny couldn't provide as narrow an estimate on how long a player who decided to download Knack would have to wait. That depends in large part on a user's Internet connection speed. Ideally, he said, they wouldn't have to wait more than an hour before beginning to play the partially downloaded games. Other games may be set up differently, allowing users to start playing them sooner or requiring them to wait longer. With these kinds of download speeds and requirements, players may want to queue their PS4 downloads long before they want to start gaming or download in the background while doing something else. Or just drive to the store and get a disc.


We'll have much more about the PS4 in the coming days as well as a review of the system at 9am ET, on Wednesday, November 13.

Make Ps4 Download Game Different Region 2

To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @stephentotilo.

Hey guys so i have a playstation 4 which i purchased from hong kong. I live in india.

Now Im having some major compatibility problems and confusions. I know that the playstation 4 is region free.

I have 3 psn ids one which is indian, one which is hong kong, one which is american.

I have played all my games on my hong kong id and the saved data cannot be accessed when i login from my american or indian id? Why is that? I have to start from scratch every time unless i continue to play from my hong kong psn id.

I have games with different region codes some are region 2 while some are region 1 and some say all.

Download Ps4 Games On Pc

So i can't even buy the dlc why is that?

My last concern is that i want my us account to be my main one but i have a free 1 month ps plus code which i got with my ps4 from hong kong , how to redeem that code and can i redeem it from my us account? And also some games on the indian ps store are cheaper than the american one so i can download them from the indian store and use them on american account? Is that possible or will I have issues?

The most important part is the SAVED DATA i share the ps4 with my brother and we play the same games but we both have separate accounts and the sad part is if he advances in the game and saves in his account in my account theres no difference and i have to play from scratch ,WHY IS THAT? Its only for some games though like the last of us while playing lego superheroes i can access his saved data which is so weird.

Please if you could help me as I'm really confused and don't know what to do.

Your time and input will be really appreciated thanks also :)