Cannot Download Torrent Write To

  1. Cannot Download Torrent Write To A Man
  2. Cannot Download Torrent Write To Pdf

I want to know the solution to this and resume my downloading.I am running Ubuntu 10.10.

After initiating a dl, the torrent begins, all caching seems to go as planned, the specific movie directory is created in my save directory and the torrent immediately fails with the 'Error: WriteToDisk: The system cannot find the path specified.'


4 Answers

In my system: drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 2011-02-13 13:36 media/ it is writeable only by root. The system stores here the mounted volumes, like: USB flash drive, Cardreader, mounted HDDs... etc...

If you are looking for a place, where you want to store your personal data, in only your home dir, like: /home/YourName or the siple ~ refers to it.

Ubuntu makes you some default dirs, like: Music, Video... in your home dir. I suggest you, to place your movies there, to Videos; or you can individualy make a dir in your home folder. This is situated on GNOME menu > Places > Home folder (the first)

Illustration(from google):


It seems transmission can't open the target file, maybe you don't have the proper rights for that. What's mounted in that directory /media/The.Green. ... ? Use terminal, this command: df -aT /media/... where the path at the end is the same as your screenshot shows.

Why do you want to download there? Do you have some pendrive, whatever which is autmounted and you want to download onto it? I am just wondering why don't you download into your home directory, have you got any special reason?


You should not store user files in the /media folder, it contains mount points for removable media like CD's or USB memory sticks. This folder is owned by the root user who has permission to write to this directory (owner=root, group=root, mode=0755).

Each user has a Home folder, located at /home/you-username. In that directory, you can store your personal files and settings. Ubuntu creates additional directories in that folder like Videos, in which you can put your downloaded videos.

Please read the manual page about the Filesystem hierarchy to get a better understanding of folders like /media.


Cannot Download Torrent Write To A Man

Transmission does not run under the logged-in username, instead it uses the username 'debian-transmission'. Consequently, downloading to a home folder won't work, because 'debian-transmission' does not have write permissions to any of the user's home folders. The default download location is in the /var directory, because 'debian-transmission' (and I believe most local users?) have write access to that directory tree.

mikewhatever answers the question of how to download directly into one of the /home folders, in this other askubuntu: Permission denied when downloading with transmission deamon


Cannot Download Torrent Write To Pdf

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